's 1st Anniversary Party!

I was super late for the party, which was held at Geek Terminal. But as hem hem and haw haw said, I didn't miss much, since the blog awards were heyholalala~. Lol.

Kevin theorized (because Theory IsTheReason after all) that bloggers were generally talkative on the keyboard, and deathly quiet IRL. Well not among the shoutbox regulars! It was fantastic meeting all the guys again, as well as being able to match a couple more faces to nicks, namely Brennan (who knew me even though I don't recall seeing him in the shoutbox often...), Bernard, whom I knew simply because he's quite a regular on Kevin's blog, Chillycraps (though I didn't get to say hi, cos he's always surrounded by Bahasa girls right CC?), and indeed the Bahasa girls themselves Sylv(ia) and hg86. There were two Michaels I met too, and not to forget Daphne Maia. And probably a couple more faces I forgot at the moment. The food there my goodness was fantastic! I was sorely disappointed that the chicken choplets had disappeared by the time I went back for a second helping (and resisted shedding my etiquette by picking the last crumb of batter lying in the tray as consolation). Mingling around was abit awkward after awhile though, because we all seemed to join the wrong groups at the wrong time, so we were just listening and smiling without acquaintanceship (however you spell it. lazy~) to kickstart some conversations and introductions. But Rinaz was a great help in that area. I barely said 'I was hoping tedfox would come... the anime blogger' when she started bellowing, 'ANY ANIME BLOGGERS... COME HERE... FARINELLI WANTS TO MEET YOUUUU~'

Thanks darling. :S

The catch of the evening, however, was definitely Danny. He is a GODLIKE barista! Everything is made to one-shot-perfection. His iced latte reminded me very much of the first episode of Bartender, where the bartender made a simple mix of warimizu (whiskey and water with ice), but astounded the initially offended guest with his technique. Of course I wasn't offended, I mean I'm good with iced latte. But what immediately shot to mind when I took my first sip was the ice. Like the bartender, I suspected Danny's ice was chilled so cold that it did not melt easily. This allowed it to cool the drink to a fantastic temperature, as well as not melt and dilute the drink, robbing it of its originally brilliant flavors.

It was just fantastic. I've never came CLOSE to tasting iced latte like that. Usually by the time it comes the ice on top's melted to form a layer of water sitting atop the coffee. Darned turn-off it is. Later, Hendri Nicole and I decided to close our eyes and take whatever mad thing Danny came up with next, and boy were we rewarded. I won't say what it was because it would spoil the magic if you ever go to Geek Terminal, and it's simply not nice to Danny who let us in on his lil secret (boy are some of your mouths watering now ^^). But Nicole and Hendri and I were baffled at the ingredients until Danny revealed it to us. And then like I said, it was like experiencing the magic, and learning the trick behind the magic, and then watching Danny do it again for Estee knowing this time what goes on inside the hat, and watching Estee trying to figure out how he did it. He's unbelievable, Danny. Sick, as some of us call it.

I bid adieu to the gang who went on to the post-party hangout at Brewerks to get home early. But not before ECL seemed determined to torture Estee by toying aloud with the idea of ruining her reputation by blanco-ing some parts of what Estee said about Arzhou and herself to reinterpret it in a... not so PG way. Estee was major panicking. F33r 3C1's T3chn0r4t1 r4t1g5~!

Man I can't wait to see all you guys again.'s 1st Anniversary Party! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: nicole